Topic: SPACE AS OBJECT – OBJECT AND SPACE (Spatial Geometries/Recreated Spaces)

To work with the object, space and the human body in a creation workshop which includes various areas of art.
• to transform the relationship with the ordinary and everyday through art
• to make humans, shapes, objects and gestures interact and coexist and eventually generate meaning
• to work with space, to relate to it, to recreate space (visual, imaginary, metaphorical)

Any technique from whatever area of art is accepted as long as it is fit for children considering this symposium implies working with children in Cucuteni; the number of hours to be spent on a project will be agreed upon at the beginning of the symposium, according to the type of project to be carried out.
During the symposium any participant will realize a piece of work for the sponsors.

Materials existing in the area:
• clay for molding / ovens for pottery burning
• oak – 7 pieces: approximately 3m long and 60-80cm thick and 7 pieces: over 4m long and 25-30cm thick;
• limestone of various sizes (up to 1m3)
If the project requires it, we can supply other materials too (paper, textiles, dyes, etc).
Accommodation (rooms of 3 and 4 beds)
Transportation deduction
Remuneration for the hours of working with children

Cristian Radu Macavei, Piatra Neamţ
Ionela Mihuleac, Iaşi
Răzvan Neagoe, Bucureşti (grupul "focAR")
Eugen Petri, Ploieşti
Oana Pop, Cluj-Napoca
Damian-Ioan Popa, Târgu Neamţ
Draga-Irina Popa, Iaşi
Violeta Radu, Iaşi
Iosif-Ştefan Tasi, Timişoara
Alina Tudor, Constanţa (grupul "focAR")
Vasile Tudor, Iaşi

Partners: Cucuteni Local Council

Financial suport:
Minister of Culture, Cucuteni Local Council, Iasi departmental Council

S.C. Andalina S.R.L.- Hîrlau; S.C. Eky-Sam S.R.L.- Tg. Frumos ; S.C. Teoval S.R.L.- Tg. Frumos; S.C. Ravioli S.R.L. - Iasi; S.C. Agras S.A. - Iasi; S.C. Vinarte S.R.L. - Bucuresti; S.C. Multiprior S.R.L. - Cotnari; S.C. Vinia - Iasi; S.C. Kosarom S.A. - Iasi; S.C. Cotnari S.A. - Cotnari; S.C. Comat S.A. - Iasi; S.C. Prielnic S.R.L. - Iasi